Point of View Blog | Category: Uncategorized

2022 Spotlight On Series: Enrollment and Attendance During the COVID-19 Pandemic ENROLLMENT The percentage of North Carolina’s school-aged children attending traditional public schools has declined over the last 15 years, from 88% in 2005-06 to 79% in 2019-20. Meanwhile...

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2022 Spotlight On Series: Students with Disabilities in North Carolina The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) guarantees students with disabilities a free and appropriate public education, guided by an individualized education program developed by educators in partnership with...

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BEST NC Launches North Carolina School-Level Per Pupil Expenditure (PPE) Data Summaries and Interactive Tool BEST NC is pleased to announce the launch of a new Per Pupil Expenditure (PPE) interactive tool and landing page designed to facilitate the understanding and...

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Spotlight On: Rural Students in North Carolina (Updated for 2021) North Carolina has the second largest rural student population in the United States (after Texas), with 524,955 rural students in 2018-19, 36% of all K-12 students. Eighty of...

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Spotlight On: National Board-Certified Teachers (Updated for 2021) The National Board Certification process, offered by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, recognizes high-quality teaching. The certification process uses rigorous standards to evaluate teaching practice through performance-based assessments. Correlational...

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Spotlight On: Career and College Promise (Updated for 2021) In 2019-20, 70,801 public high school students participated in the Career and College Promise (CCP) program, which offers qualified high school students the opportunity to enroll in community college and...

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Spotlight On:  per Pupil Expenditures  (PPE) (Updated for 2021) More than $13 billion dollars was spent on K-12 traditional public education in North Carolina in the 2018-19 school year, including funding from local, state, and federal sources. Beginning in...

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Spotlight On: myFutureNC (Updated for 2021) Throughout the 2020 edition of Facts & Figures, the myFutureNC icon indicates key education performance measures directly tied to North Carolina’s education-to-workforce continuum and the state goal of increasing educational attainment to 2...

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Announcing TeachNC: The One-Stop Resource for Becoming a Teacher in North Carolina We are thrilled to share that, for the first time ever, North Carolina has a unified, statewide teacher recruitment initiative that elevates the teaching profession and...

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2019 Legislative Gathering

A core principle guiding BEST NC’s work is the idea that well-informed conversations can lead to real, meaningful change in the lives of North Carolina’s students and educators. It’s why we produce Facts & Figures, the most comprehensive guide to education data in the state. It’s...

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