Announcing TeachNC: The One-Stop Resource for Becoming a Teacher in North Carolina We are thrilled to share that, for the first time ever, North Carolina has a unified, statewide teacher recruitment initiative that elevates the teaching profession and...
2018, Advanced Roles, Autonomy, Business, Business Leaders, Carolina Newsmakers, data, Data Visualization, Don Curtis, Education History, Elevating Educators, Facts, Higher Education, PK-12, Principal Pay, Principals, Professional Development, Radio Interviews, Recruitment, Salaries, School Finance, Support, Teacher Pay, Teachers, TP3, Transforming Principal Preparation, UNC System
The new North Carolina Teaching Fellows program is due to officially launch this month – and it’s a big deal. It’s an exciting opportunity for future teachers, for the students they will serve, and for North Carolina.
2016, 2017, Advocacy, BEST NC, Business Leaders, data, Hard-to-Staff, High-Poverty, High-Quality, Higher Education, Julie Kowal, Leandro, North Carolina, Recruitment, Special Education, STEM, Students, Teacher Preparation, Teacher Shortage, Teachers, Teaching Fellows, UNC System, White Paper