In the keynote address, Dr. Matthew Springer provided an overview of the research on how great teaching impacts student learning and shared findings on education policy ideas that can support the recruitment, development, and retention of great teachers.
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Matthew Bristow-Smith
Principal, Edgecombe Early College High School; 2019 Wells Fargo North Carolina Principal of the Year
Dr. Matthew Springer
Hussman Distinguished Professor of Education Reform, UNC-Chapel Hill

In this panel discussion key education experts provided perspectives of how North Carolina’s teacher recruitment challenges are felt by students, educators, and educator preparation programs from PreK through higher education.
Leah Carper
Teacher, Northern Guilford High School; 2022 Burroughs Wellcome Fund North Carolina Teacher of the Year
Dr. Valerie Bridges
Superintendent, Edgecombe County Public Schools; 2022 Craig A. Phillips NC Superintendent of the Year
Dr. Alfred Bryant, Jr.
Dean of the School of Education and Human Sciences, Campbell University
Keiyonna Dubashi
Executive Director, Profound Ladies
Dr. Kimberly Gold
Associate Vice President of Academic Programs, North Carolina Community College System
Dr. Anthony Graham
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Winston-Salem State University
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State Superintendent Catherine Truitt shared a video with Inspirations from state education and policy leaders, then frames the objectives of the draft Pathways to Excellence for Teacher Professionals plan. Then Julie Pittman, State Superintendent’s Special Advisor on Teacher Engagement, moderated a discussion about the draft Pathways plan with Maureen Stover, PEPSC Subcommittee co-chair & 2020 NC Teacher of the Year and Dr. Van Dempsey, PEPSC Chair & Dean of the Watson College of Education at UNC-Wilmington. They discussed the ways in which the draft Pathways plan seeks to develop a teacher pipeline that is robust and calibrated to fit the needs of North Carolina’s public schools. They also discussed feedback they have received from teachers and other members of the public, inviting the audience to continue to provide feedback as the plan evolves.
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Dr. Van Dempsey
Dean of the Watson College of Education at UNC-Wilmington; Chair, PEPSC
Julie Pittman
Special Advisor on Teacher Engagement, Office of the State Superintendent, NC DPI; 2018 Western Region Teacher of the Year
Maureen Stover
Teacher, North Carolina Virtual Public Schools; 2020 Burroughs Wellcome Fund NC Teacher of the Year; Member, PEPSC
Superintendent Catherine Truitt
State Superintendent for North Carolina, NC DPI
Email questions and comments about the Pathways Plan to
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NOTE: Due to technical difficulties, recordings of the 2022 North Carolina Education Innovation Lab breakout sessions will be temporarily unavailable. Please check back in towards the end of the month to view these recordings and share them across your networks. Thank you for your patience, and pardon our dust!

This breakout session explored opportunities to develop teacher apprenticeship models across North Carolina, examined the various types of candidates who may be eligible, and explored potential financial assistance.
Kathryn Castelloes
Director, Apprenticeship NC
Tammi Ward
Interim Superintendent, Hertford County Schools
Dr. Hank Weddington
Dean of the College of Education, Lenoir-Rhyne University

This breakout session provided an overview of research around new and innovative ways to measure teacher effectiveness, including reliable and valid student surveys and new approaches to teacher evaluation.
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Dr. Thomas Kane
Walter H. Gale Professor of Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Dr. Lynn Moody
Strategic Advisor, SparkNC; Former Superintendent, Rowan-Salisbury School District
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This breakout session shared more about the Advanced Teaching Roles initiative and about the impact that Advanced Teaching Roles are making in Guilford County Schools.
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Nikki Buxton
Multi-Classroom Leader, Welborn Middle School, Guilford County Schools
Abe Hege
Principal, Fairview Elementary School, Guilford County Schools
Dr. Sean McWherter
Director of Restart Programs, Guilford County Schools
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This breakout session provided an overview of how micro-credentials are being developed and utilized across the state, and shared more about how professional advancement accounts could help support teacher growth.
Dr. Jackie Ennis
Dean of the School of Education, Barton College
Erin Shoemaker
Executive Director of Learning & Teaching, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools
Dr. Thomas R. Tomberlin
Senior Director of Education Preparation, Licensure, and Performance, NC DPI

This year’s Innovation Lab theme was Converging to Strengthen Teacher Recruitment and focused on the many organizations, entities, and initiatives converging around the critical issues of teacher recruitment, licensure, advancement, and retention in North Carolina, including those listed below: